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Types of Limited Stay Permit (ITAS) You Need In Indonesia

Are you currently an Indonesian citizen who wants to bring in foreigners for purposes such as working, playing music, doing investment activities, and so on?

This article will discuss what type of Limited Stay Permit (Izin Tinggal Sementara (ITAS)) in Indonesia is suitable for your needs.

What is ITAS?

ITAS is a document that foreigners must possess if they wish to stay in Indonesia for a specified period at a maximum of one year in a period that can be extended up to five years.

To obtain an ITAS, several prerequisites must be fulfilled, including ownership of a passport and foreigners must have a sponsor to apply for ITAS in Indonesia. 

Differences between ITAS and Visa

There is a widespread misinterpretation of both ITAS and visa, as both have different functions, processes, and validity periods. Differences are detailed as follows:

  1. Function: A visa serves as an entry permit into Indonesian territory, while an ITAS serves as a stay permit in Indonesian territory. A visa cannot be used as a basis to work in Indonesia, while an ITAS can be used as a basis to work in Indonesia if accompanied by a notification of a work permit (IMTA) from the Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker).
  2. Process: A visa must be applied before the foreigners comes to Indonesia through the Visa Online or TKA Online website (for work visas). The visa must be approved by the General Directorate of Immigration before it is issued by Indonesian diplomatic or consular representatives abroad. Meanwhile, ITAS can be applied after the foreigners arrive in Indonesia through the local immigration office. ITAS must be approved by the General Directorate of Immigration before being issued by the local immigration office.
  3. Validity Period: A visa has a shorter validity period than an ITAS. Visas are usually valid for 30 days to 60 days depending on the type of visa. Whereas an ITAS has a longer validity period than a visa. ITAS is usually valid for 6 months to 5 years depending on the type of visa and purpose of stay.


Read More: Outlook on Indonesia Visa 2024

Types of ITAS in Indonesia

  1. ITAS for Work
    In order to obtain a limited stay permit to work in Indonesia, foreigners must obtain a notification letter from a company or organization that has been officially registered in Indonesia as their sponsor and guarantor for staying in Indonesia (PT, Representative Office, Private Agency, or others).

    Individuals or Companies (Sponsors) must include confirmation of employment information, such as job position and company location in the documents for the ITAS application. Such confirmation is important to show the reason for the foreigner being brought in and the duration of the work permit.

  2. ITAS for Investor
    Getting investors is one way for companies to encourage capital to launch and run their business plans. Investors, in this case, are foreign investors who want to visit companies in Indonesia in person to ensure successful investment and/or monitor investment plans and realization within a certain time and other actions.

    Regarding what actions can be taken by foreigners who apply for ITAS Investors are:

    • appoint, dismiss, or replace members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners;
    • evaluate the performance of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners;
    • approve amendments to the articles of association;
    • grant dividend payments and the remaining assets from liquidation;
    • provide advice or input to the board of commissioners and directors;
    • attend and vote in the General Meeting Shareholders; and
    • other actions that are permitted or not prohibited by the prevailing laws and regulations.

      This type of ITAS gives foreign investors permission to enter and stay in Indonesia while the permit is still valid.

  3. ITAS for Student
    This ITAS is intended for foreign students who want to continue their educational studies in Indonesian territory. This ITAS requires approval from the relevant Ministry and the intended university before making an application for ITAS application.
  4. ITAS for Family Unification
    This ITAS refers to the purpose of foreigners such as:

    • joining the husband or wife of an Indonesian citizen (Spouse);
    • joining the husband or wife of a Limited Stay Permit or Permanent Stay Permit holder;
    • Children resulting from a legal marriage between a foreigner and an Indonesian citizen;
    • Children who are not yet 18 (eighteen) years old and unmarried from a foreigner who is legally married to an Indonesian citizen;
    • Children under 18 (eighteen) years of age and unmarried who join their parents holding a limited stay permit or permanent stay permit;
    • merge with the father and/or mother of a foreign national child who has a legal family relationship with an Indonesian citizen father and/or mother.

      The ITAS requires foreigners who are not brought in for employment and Sponsors to provide documents that demonstrate their family relationships (marriage certificates and reports) as well as proof that they and/or their families have sufficient living expenses while in Indonesian territory at least USD 2.000.

  5. ITAS for Second Home
    This ITAS is intended for former Indonesian citizens and certain foreigners when they want to carry out various activities and want to stay and contribute to the Indonesian economy outside of study, tourism, investment, and retirement/pension. ITAS holders can also sponsor their family members such as spouses, children, and parents.

    The main requirements that must be met by those who wish to apply for this ITAS are proof of funds in the form of an Indonesian bank account with a balance of at least IDR 2 billion or proof of ownership of luxury real estate in Indonesia (property value of at least USD 1 million).

  6. ITAS for Pension
    Foreigners who are interested in spending their pension in Indonesian territory at the age of 55 are entitled to apply for Pension ITAS. This ITAS can be obtained for foreigners who previously entered Indonesia using Tourist ITAS for approximately one month.

    Applying for the right ITAS is an important step for foreigners who wish to live in Indonesia. In addition, it is crucial to ensure that all requirements and procedures are followed correctly to avoid any administrative problems later on when the applicant enters Indonesian territory.


Get to Know: The Transitional Residence Permit (Bridging Visa) in Indonesia

How To Get ITAS?

If you are in the process of organizing an ITAS application, address your queries by consulting and working with ET-Consultant for immigration experience and the right immigration process for you.


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