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Import Cosmetic South Korea-2

Important Steps to Import Quality Cosmetics from South Korea

South Korea has become a cosmetics hub in recent years, with well-known brands that have become very popular worldwide, including in Indonesia. Many Indonesian business people are interested in importing cosmetics from South Korea because of the quality of their products and continuous innovation in the cosmetics industry. However, before deciding to import cosmetics from South Korea, there are several things to consider, such as ensuring that the products to be imported are registered with the National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM). Below is the explanation.

All products that will be imported and sold in the Indonesian territory must meet 3 (three) requirements set out in BPOM Regulation No. 27 of 2022 on the Supervision of Imports of Food and Drugs into the Indonesian Territory (PBPOM 27/2022), as follows:

  1. Obtain circulation permit, 
  2. Comply with applicable laws and regulations, and 
  3. Obtain approval from the Head of BPOM (Articles 2 and 3 (1), PBPOM 27/2022).

For the approval from the Head of BPOM, eligible importers are given an Import Declaration Letter (SKI), which consists of two categories:

  1. SKI Border: This SKI requirement applies to modern and traditional medicines and must be owned when notifying the authorized agencies.
  2. SKI Post-Border: This SKI applies to a number of products, including cosmetics, certain medicines, supplements, health products, and food. SKI Post-Border requirements must be met within seven days of receiving the Letter of Approval for Goods Release (SPPB) from the competent authority.

It should be noted that both SKI Border and SKI Post-Border are only valid for a one-time import of goods. In addition, these two types of SKI apply to the import of goods into free trade zones or free ports, special economic zones, and bonded storage places. It should also be noted that in order to obtain SKI Post-Border, the cosmetics imported into Indonesia at the time of application must have a shelf life of at least one-third of the shelf life of the cosmetics.

Import Costimetic South Korea-2

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Importers of cosmetic products should also pay attention to the possibility of differences in HS Codes on the SKI Post-Border with the HS Code determined by the competent authorities in the customs sector. This difference occurs because different countries use different numbers of HS Code digits. For example, China uses 10-digit HS Codes while Indonesia uses only 8-digit HS Codes. In such cases, the applicable HS Code is the one determined by the competent authorities in the customs field in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Generally, importers of cosmetic products must first create an account on the official website of the SKI Border or SKI Post-Border service provided by the National Agency of Drug and Food Control or SINSW. In the process of creating the account, importers will be asked to submit several company legality documents, such as an application letter signed by the director, or the power of attorney, as well as a sufficiently stamped statement letter from the person in charge. In addition, they must also attach photos of the front and back of the warehouse and company office. Regarding the warehouse, they must provide the addresses of all warehouses used to store products, including temporary/rented/contracted warehouses.

ET Consultant is here to assist business actors wishing to import cosmetic products to easily and smoothly apply for SKI Post-Border so that the import activities can be carried out without any obstacles.


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